‘ABCs of the VI’ Book

How can you get young Virgin Islanders to appreciate and be proud of themselves while also teaching history, preserving culture as well as increasing literacy? Simple as ABC.

Collaborating with a librarian and visual artists, young author Christopher Williams has found a way using cartoon illustrations drawn by another young man, Michael Dunbar and short factual sentences in his small, yet history filled children’s book, ABCs of the Virgin Islands.

Listen to the interview for more details on how it all came together. Sankofa Saturdays is sponsoring the special printing of the book in celebration of V. I. history month to be released during the last week of the month. In collaboration with WUVI, an audio book to the printed version voiced by local school children is under way including music from local musicians with songs like Queen Mary and Children’s Parade from Reginald Cyntje’s Freedom’s Children album.

Stay tuned for more details and to find out how you can get your copy!

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