Sharing Captured Light

Is it greedy to capture light?
…or is it selfless to share a moment appreciated?


Sometimes I feel like I’m being selfish by not sharing the beauty that lives of our environment daily

Here in our beloved United Virgin Islands, we walk on, drive through, sail around or fly over and live in it all the time, yet there are others who don’t have even a moment of the same opportunity to appreciate, be healed by or add to such a simple part of our existence

Videography, photography, painting, illustration… music, writing and now the web are our tools for sharing this beauty that is Nature

I figure if we share more of it, it’s just adding another opportunity to help others experience the peace, love, harmony, balance and energy that is life

Capturing light

in us all, there is light


even in what seems to be darkness

there is usually something glimmering in the distance


or it may be the reverse,

so close, that we are the silhouette, unknowingly


depending on how open we choose to set our mental, social, intellectual or spiritual aperture

we can either be blind

…or blinded

by captured light

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