Love Loan | Returning the Favor

If I borrow you my love
will you return it
battered and bruised
tormented and used
or will you cherish it?

drawing of meLoving me like
we’ve been
for ages
when it’s really only been moments
in each others thoughts

If I allow you to let me come in and sit for a while
just enough to make you smile
will you let me leave

or will this
innocent effort of kindness
passion and mindlessness
be too much to let go
once you know

I know of the pain you speak
and I too feel the void you wish to seek
though I’ve not yet found it myself
the hope of it haunts me

my realities have become fairy tails
and my daydreams my reality
I create heroes and halos from recycled matter
than have no home

this gives me solace
when I can’t find my way
helping others throughout their day
allows me purpose in a world of my own
where even the youngest appears full grown

a pleasant Distraction
yearning for satisfaction
not my own
I feed myself
by fulfilling your hunger

If I borrow you my love
will you return it
feeling that you owe me
with interest?
You’ve already paid

It’s actually me that’s returning the favor

© DaraMonifah

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