Beware of Phone Phishing Scam

A mobile phone scam hitting local AT&T customers in the USVI is raising eyebrows, drawing attention to yet another technology scam. This one is known as “Phishing” and you shouldn’t respond. Basically, it sounds like a robocall that calls from your own number, warns you that your account has been suspended and that you need to respond to the call for your account to be reactivated. 

I checked with someone at our local AT&T office, and they say that the alarming calls are not coming from the company, but that customers need to be vigilant about any calls in which a company asks you to verify personal or account information.

Visit AT&T’s website link here to: Recognize and prevent phone scams

Know that this specific scam is not unique just to AT&T. Scammers often take advantage of any opportunity they can. It’s just another attempt to get your personal information and access to your account or in some cases, your contacts.

I’m doing a poll on this to see how many people have been affected thus far:

Why am I Warning Us…
If the Companies here Aren’t?

Simply, if it gets too far, it could affect all of us, so it’s best not to wait until the major phone companies see it as important enough to put out something official. This happens all the time elsewhere, so isn’t anything new. If you search online, you’ll see it has happened nationally already so we aren’t the first and probably won’t be the last. At the end of the day, we’re better safe than sorry.

What to & NOT to do

If you get a call, text, or email threatening a disconnection or a problem with your account, hang up and look at your bill and find the right number to call.

Check out the comments on Facebook from those that experienced it for themselves.

SCAM ALERT SUMMARY: Don’t take action if you get a call, text, email like this. This is NOT from AT&T, it’s scammers trying to get access to your account. Remember, this scam is not unique to just AT&T, scammers try to take advantage of any opportunity. 

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