BAMN! (By any means necessary)

The wayside
Be gone!
Says the powers that be
In me

One that is ready, willing and able
Is presented
With the task
Of overcoming

To an end?
Or to a nu beginning
Ruffling feathers attracted to tar
Painted on by self-hatred
Strange fruit still have seeds
Fertilize them with love and they
Still blossom

Evils, I thank you
Roads untravelled, I await you
Days un shone upon, I look forward to you
Nights, like this, I wish… that raindrops
Would Fall

Fall to your knees… Oh hear…
Your own words
Listen to your own song
Realize that the teacher you need
The trainer you search for
The purpose you crave
Is within
Let the taste of defeat, be your motivation

to succeed
as never before
and continue to love, laugh, LIVE

…By any means necessary.
Go Deep

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